Graduated in Actuarial and Treasury sciences by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
Actuary of pensions plans and founds.
Obtained the competence of research by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
Course of specialization in the insurances industry by the Wharton Business School, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania.
Numerous courses of sectoral specialization.
Presenter and professor of numerous courses, lectures and seminars specialized about the insurances sector, the social forecast, business strategy and organization, risks measuring, accounting rules, etc.
Author of several books of the insurance sector ("Tablas de mortalidad de la población española", "Estadísticas del sector seguros", "las NIIF en seguros") and a plenty of articles in economic and insurance specialized press. (over 50).
Work Experience
From 2006: Managing Partner at IDEAS.
2002-2006: Counsel area director to insurance and pensions companies in KPMG.
1998-2001: Diverse responsibilities in KPMG.
1994-1998: Independent advisor of various insurance companies and pensions founds.
1988-1998: Diverse responsibilities in UNESPA.
José Luis Maestro
Managing Partner
Graduated in law: Lawyer from the distinguished lawyers college of Madrid.
Inspector of the national treasury. (excess).
Tax office school professor (Law of the insurance contract, accounting and insurances financial analysis).
Professor in several private institutions and author of numerous monographs and field Works about technical, legal and accounting related with insurances activities.
Member of ROAC.
Publish books, "Manual de Contabilidad y Análisis Financiero de Seguros". Madrid 1991 (696 pages), "Normativa Contable de Seguros". Madrid, 1993 (645 pages), "Garantías Técnico-Financieras de las Entidades Aseguradoras". Barcelona, 2000 (453 pages).
1998-1999: Managing partner of the insurances area in KPMG.
1995-1998: Managing partner of the insurances group Coopers & Lybrand.
Chief Inspector of statistics and balance analysis from the "Dirección General de Seguros" and assistant manager of inspections.
Susana Donaire Pascual
Actuarial Director
Degree in Economic and Business Sciences. Actuarial Branch.
Doctoral Program of the Department of Financial Economics and Accounting and Doctoral Program of the Department of Statistics.
Courses, conferences and seminars on financial, tax and accounting matters.
Work Experience
From 2018: Actuarial Director at IDEAS.
2008-2018: Senior Manager at IDEAS.
2001-2008: Ofitour, S.L. Financial Director.
1984-2001: Preventiva, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. Financial Director.
2006: Universidad Pontificia de Comillas - ICADE. Coauthor of the Manual of Financial Accounting. Editorial Aranzadi.
1995 - 2003: Universidad Pontificia de Comillas - ICADE. Professor of the Financial Management Department.
1985 -1995: Universidad Complutense - Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences. Professor of the departments of Statistics and Financial Economics and Accounting I.
Juan María Arévalo Velasco
IT Manager
Technical Engineer in Management Information Technology by the "Universidad Pontificia de Comillas."
Attendance at numerous courses and seminars.
Work Experience
Current: Manager IT at IDEAS: directing numerous projects of Information Technologies elaborated in .NET making consultations to the main database managers like SQL Server, Oracle and DB2.
Joaquín Surribas Fernández
Bachelor of Business Administration and Management by the "Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE) de Madrid."
Master in Insurance Management - ICEA (MDA)
Postgraduate in Solvency II by the University of Barcelona (taught by INESE)
MSc Schüleraustausch at the WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management; Vallendar, Germany
Course of Non-Life Technical Provisions (INESE)
Higher Insurance Course (UNED)
Title of insurance broker Group A
Courses of Relational Databases and SQL Data Definition Language (DDL)
Attendance at other courses and seminars.
It has a transversal vision of the insurance sector for having worked on projects of very diverse nature, from internal control and risk management, Solvency II, to purely technical projects, etc. In addition, he has a high linguistic ability, customer orientation and teamwork, analytical mind and attitude of constant improvement.